Posts Tagged “Enforceable Statements”

Step-Parenting Using Love And Logic®

Do you ever feel torn between wanting your step-children to like you and knowing that you still need to have rules and discipline?  Have you found that letting the biological parent handle all the discipline doesn’t work really well all the time. Blended families are becoming more and more common in today’s world.  Consequently, more kids are being raised partially

Helping Adult Children Leave The Home

“My mom kicked me out of the house using Love and Logic” a father reported during one of my recent parenting classes.  Then his wife related the story: When my husband was 24-years-old he was still living at home.  His parents were really cool and he enjoyed living there rent free.  However, because he was living there rent free, he

Teens And Disrespect

Are you starting to have a hard time dealing with your teen’s behavior? Do you find it a little disturbing that your son/daughter starts to say things that he/she didn’t normally say when he/she was younger? You don’t need to consult Arizona psychiatrists right away, nor feel helpless with your situation. Why is it that our children suddenly become experts