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  • Emotional Flat Tire

    Imagine you are running late to work and you are frantically rushing out the door. As you’re hustling down the freeway trying not to speed (at least trying not to noticeably speed), you suddenly feel the car start to vibrate followed by a low juddering sound. You recognize that dreadful sound and realize that you have a flat tire at

  • Being a Super-Powered Parent can be a Blessing and a Curse

    As a therapist I often work with very smart and capable parents. The kind of parents that seem to have the answer to someone’s problem even before that person knows they have a problem. These superpowers have helped these parents become successful in many areas of their lives. They are often ultra responsible and their employers love them for it.

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Making Teeth-Brushing Fun!

Shiloh Lundahl, LCSW - Teaching kids Responsibility (Excerpt)

Parents Share Their Experience taking the Love and Logic Parenting class