Parenting Class (0-6 Yrs) – Mesa, Arizona

Love and Logic Parenting Classes in Gilbert and Mesa, Arizona

Toddler Class

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun® is a curriculum specifically designed to help parents of toddlers and other young children up to 6 years of age.  The course was written and developed by the creators of Love and Logic®, a popular and effective parenting program. Now, Shiloh Lundahl, an independent facilitator of the curriculum, is bringing it to you in an  in-depth 6-week course.  This course is also available in a 2-day seminar, click here for details on the 2-day seminar.

Check out the Class Preview by Clicking Below

In this class you will learn:
  • How to put an end to whining and arguing.
  • How to ease morning frustrations and bedtime hassles.
  • How to avoid power struggles over eating and picking up toys.
  • How to set limits in a loving way.
  • How to discipline effectively without using all of your energy.
  • Why kids constantly try to test their parents and what parents can do.
  • How to help kids listen the first time without using warnings, threats or reminders.
  • And much more…

See a Detailed Outline of the Class Curricula HERE.

See Class Schedule
6:00 pm – 7:45 pm
3048 E. Baseline Rd, Suite 107, Mesa, AZ 85204 Map
$295 per individual or parent couple.

The cost includes the workbook.

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun® is also offered in a 2-Day Seminar Format.

For parents who are unable to attend a full 6-week course, the Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun® class is also offered in convenient a 2-Day Seminar Format.  Each seminar lasts 4-hour and takes place on consecutive Saturdays.  The first seminar will cover what is taught during the first 3 weeks of the regular 6-week course. The second seminar will cover the last 3 weeks of the 6-week course.

As a participant of the class, you will receive a workbook that will be used during the class to help with the learning process.  You will also receive a full length Love and Logic® book or audio book called Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood.

Click HERE to see a more detailed outline of what will be covered in each seminar session. 

Click HERE to see the dates and times of the next 2-Day Seminar and to register for the class.

For more information about this parenting classes, contact the class facilitator, Shiloh Lundahl, LCSW. (602) 492-5055.